comMIT Resource Data Monitoring

comMIT is an analytics and information aggregation platform for investors, manufacturers and retailers for managing and monitoring resource utilization efficiency.

The different modules of comMIT include:

  • Organizational System Efficiency – Ongoing Assessment, Operating best practices, compliance tracking etc.
  • Monitoring Team Effectiveness – Project Tracking ,Team Planning and Interaction, Issue Tracking
  • Resource Usage Efficiency – Resource (energy, water, chemicals) usage, KPI tracking
  • Site Evaluation Support – Alternate / renewable energy.

comMIT connects with mobile devices, measurement systems and software and is Android as well as iOS compatible.

unnamed  Click here to download the comMIT brochure.

Market Intelligence and Industry benchmarks

cKinetics started by launching Sustainability Outlook at the Clinton Global Initiative in 2010. Since then it has developed market intelligence platforms for carbon markets and for tracking Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) linked data on companies.

The platforms cover a range of topics including (a) in-depth business and policy analysis (b) tools and frameworks for forecasting sustainability actions within the industry (c) expert inputs on pathways being adopted by industries as well as communities.

Through market intelligence, we offer market briefs, state of sector reports and studies that share insights

  • cCarbon tracks actions related to global compliance carbon markets, clean fuel markets and sustainable fuels
  • ICCAD is an online information platform with dashboards, indices, and trackers; that covers actions of the largest listed Indian corporates related to climate

external-link-icon Click here to visit the cCarbon platform.

external-link-icon Click here to visit the ICCAD platform.

Private: Innovation Networks

The Innovation Networks bring together thought leaders and technology experts with the purpose of:

  • Peer to peer knowledge exchange on industry best practices
  • Uncovering of innovative solutions for solving resource challenges faced by the industry
  • Enabling access to informational tools, metrics and frameworks to catalyze resource efficiency within the industry
  • Innovative thinking and approaches to mainstream sustainability within organizations

Parivartan Sustainability Leadership Awards is a flagship initiative that is run annually by cKinetics’ division Sustainability Outlook. Today it has emerged as India’s largest sustainability solutions search platform and has uncovered 300+ path breaking innovations over the past five years.

external-link-icon   Click here to visit the Parivartan Awards website.

Collaborative Intelligence

Sustainable Business Leadership Forum (SBLF) was instituted in 2011 by cKinetics' division Sustainability Outlook. It brings together a diverse pool of thought leaders, practitioners and experts committed to work on resource sustainability issues in order to enable industry collaboration, deliver actionable insight and create benchmarkable impact.

Based on membership inputs and requests for focused research, the Forum facilitates creation of Industry Task Forces guided by industry catalysts and corporates.

The Forum members are empowered through regular updates, research reports and issue briefs on key drivers, policy mandates and emerging market opportunities impacting the sustainability agenda. In addition, the Forum convenes several industry interaction sessions including its flagship Annual Summit where members have an opportunity to engage with each other as also other key stakeholders on sustainability challenges, best practices and innovation.

unnamed  Click here to download the Sustainable Business Leadership Forum brochure.

external-link-icon Click here to visit the Sustainable Business Leadership Forum website.