Methodology and Data sets used
The research supporting this briefing is based on
developing (and tracing) the mass flow from the
time a fiber is produced to the time a product is
There were two components that were
1. Top-down view on the ‘expected mass’ that
ought to be there in the different production
processes. The starting point here is the fiber
produced annually and projecting it across the
various processes.
2. A bottom-up view to trace the ‘actual mass’
based on tabulating the production and capacity
of the manufacturing facilities / companies.
This provided a granular view on details like
location, production efficiency and latest
emission factor.
Using #1 and #2, a mass-balance was constructed
for the different processes and for the overall
textile and apparel ecosystem. This helped
determine areas where there was sufficient
information to make informed projections (high
confidence); and areas where the estimations in
the projections have higher variance (lower
confidence). Overall, the analysis presented in
this briefing note, takes the data points where
confidence on accuracy is high.
The following core data-sets have been used:
1. Company public disclosures – annual reports,
sustainability reports, press releases
2. Fiber data- from Textile Exchange, UN
Comtrade Database, Regional Export Promotion
3. Commitments presented on SBTi and reduction
plans from CDP
4. Emission factors from the cKinetics comMIT
Determining current emissions of companies
Where companies provided the information on
emissions, that was used directly.
In cases, where the textile/ apparel sector
operations were part of a larger conglomerate or
where information was not disclosed, the
emissions were estimated by using either the
production or revenue; and applying the relevant
emission factor for the process.
Estimating future emissions (by 2030 and 2050)
Where companies have stated goals for 2030
and/or 2050 emissions, those were used directly.
Where companies had goals for 2025 or beyond,
those goals were extrapolated.
In both case, the production was assumed to
increase at the industry growth rate.
In addition to looking at the goals, the emission
reduction plans for each of the companies were
This helped establish confidence on goals at a
company level. That was done by comparing the
reduction plans with:
1. the best-available-techniques in the process/
2. the peer group within that industry to
understand further scope that may exist in a
company or in a sector
Presently work is under-way to compile this
analysis and make it available to clients. It will be
provided as part of cKinetics’ comMIT database.